Why Poultry Feed Production is Good Business?
Medical experts warn of the danger of over-eat red meat. Therefore, for health reasons, most people switch to poultry. For example, the more people who eat chicken, the greater the need for chicken, and the more chicken is needed to produce. If the poultry business is good, the production of poultry feed is also very good business.
Other benefits of the business include:
- An ever-present, ever-growing market.
- Raw materials can be sourced locally and cheaply too.
- The business is highly flexible; you can choose to start small, medium or large scale production. In addition, you don’t need to own a poultry farm to start the poultry feed business.
- If you do own a poultry farm, having your own feed mill can save a lot of money, and when you sell the product to other farms, you can also make a good profit.
- Equipment and machinery can be fabricated locally.
Poultry Feed Production Process
Poultry feed production is generally divided into the following steps: receiving and cleaning of feed ingredients, crushing of raw materials, batching, mixing, pelletizing and packaging of finished feed.
- Raw material cleaning: It is a good production practice to clean poultry feed before starting processing. This cleaning machine can be used to clean the premix at the inlet. This can be premixed by sieving effect or pressure cleaning.
- Crushing: In the processing of poultry feed, some raw materials must be grinded to the required grain size for various feeds. That is the work of the grinding machine on the line.
- Mixing: The mixer is used to mix various raw materials used in poultry feed formulations. Here, the different raw materials used in the poultry feed formulation are mixed with additives and supplements, oils or fats and drugs. A good mixer will ensure that the highest quality standards are adhered to.
- Pelletizing: Many people who buy poultry feed pelletizer make the mistake of thinking it is a complete poultry feed processing unit. The poultry feed pellet machine only does the pelleting work to make the poultry feed more suitable for chicken. Its job is to produce the final pellet feed after all additives, feed supplements are drunk, mixed and added. Having good pellet means giving the chicken “complete feed”, and a good feed factory ensures the best conversion rate.
- Screening, cooling and packaging: after granulating, compound feed was screened to remove debris and powder, as well as cooled down temperature and moisture, and then stored after packaging. The slag and powder are returned to process.
Poultry Feed Production Line for Sale
As a reliable and experienced manufacturer of feed pellet making machine, Sunwit can offer both single feed pellet machine and customized complete feed production line. For more information about the equipment and detailed price, please feel free to inquire from us!

Factors Affecting the Quality of Poultry Feed Pellets
There are many factors that affect the quality of poultry feed. Whether the feed formula is scientific and reasonable, the quality of the raw materials and the quality of the processed feed will directly affect the quality of the compound feed. The feed formula determines the nutritional value of the finished feed. Low nutrient levels or unreasonable proportions of nutrients will seriously affect the feeding effect of the farmed objects and cause waste of feed ingredients. In addition, if the processing quality such as mixing uniformity, particle size, gelatinization degree cannot meet the standard requirements, the advantages of the original formula cannot be guaranteed, which will affect the feeding effect of the poultry feed pellets.
Necessary Equipment for Producing Poultry Feed
The process of small and medium-sized livestock and poultry feed processing plants generally consists of raw material receiving, crushing, compounding, mixing, granulating, cooling, screening, and finished product packaging. The core production equipment is feed mill, feed mixer, feed machine, etc. The choice of these equipment plays an important role in feed production and feed quality assurance.
Get Your Own Feed Formula & Ingredients
Feed formulation is the process of quantifying feed components that need to be mixed to form a single homogeneous mixture (feed) of poultry that provides all the nutritional requirements. Since most of the world’s poultry feed accounts for 65-75% of the total production cost of live poultry, a simple mistake in the dietary formula can cause extremely expensive losses to poultry producers.
Feed formulation requires thorough understanding of the:
(a)Nutrient requirements of the class of poultry (e.g., egg layers, meat chickens or breeders);
(b) Feed ingredients in terms of nutrient composition and constraints in terms of nutrition and processing
(c) Cost and availability of the ingredients.
Most large poultry farmers have their own dieticians and feed mills, while small businesses often rely on consultant dieticians and commercial feed mills for their feed. It is therefore essential that the formulation be accurate, since the feed has been prepared and produced, it is often too late to correct any errors or inaccuracies without incurring significant costs.
Formula For Layers’ Chick Mash (1-4 Weeks)
Since the chicks are growing, chicks require feed with Digestible Crude Protein (DCP) of between 18 to 20%.
Amino acids are important nutrients in all feeds and are a complete feed for all animals. For hybrid chickens, the addition of amino acids is important for maintaining a balanced diet for rapid growth.
The following ingredients can be used to make a 100kg bag of layer chick mash:
- 46kg of whole maize
- 13kg of wheat bran
- 10kg of wheat pollard
- 25kg of sunflower meal,linseed meal, beniseed meal or groundnut cake
- 2.6 kg of fishmeal
- 2.5 kg of lime
- 70g of salt
- 40g of premix
Amino acids to be added
- 140g of tryptophan
- 20g of lysine
- 20g of methionine
- 140 g of threonine
- 100g of enzymes or growth enhancers
- 120g of coccidiostat
- 100g of toxin binder
Formula For Layers’ Grower Mash (4-18weeks)
it is very necessary that pullets should be provided with a feed having a protein content of between 16 and 18%. Such feed makes the pullet to grow fast and prepare for egg laying.
The Following Ingredients Can Be Used To Make A 100kg Bag Of Layer Chick Mash:
- 14.3kg of whole maize
- 24.3kg of maize germ
- 18.6kg of wheat pollar
- 14.3kg of wheat bran
- 15.7kg of sunflower cake, groundnut cake or beniseed meal.
- 4.9kg of soya meal or soya cake
- 2.9kg of lime
- 1kg of bone meal
- 4.3kg of fishmeal
- 40g of salt
- 5g of coccidiostat
- 30g of Pre-mix
- 5g of zinc bacitracin
- 10g of toxin binder.
Formula For Layers’ Mash (18weeks And Above)
Note: Layers’ feed should never be fed to chickens younger than 18 weeks as it contains high calcium content that can damage their kidneys (they can develop kidney stones), which interfere with egg production and also shorten their lifespan.
Alternatively, you can start feeding your birds with layers mash when they start laying 5% of their total number.
The following ingredients can be used to make 100kg bag of layer mash:
- 48.5kg of whole maize
- 17kg of Soya
- 11kg of fishmeal
- 14kg of maize bran, rice germ or wheat bran
- 9.5kg of lime
- 200g premix or growth or egg production enhancers
Amino acids to be added
- 100g lysine
- 50g methionine
- 100kg threonine
- 50g tryptophan
- 75g toxin binder
Marketing &Make a Detail Plant
There are many ways to market your product to the public. Advertising has its USES, but trust me, the quality of your poultry feed is the ultimate marketing strategy. When people buy your poultry feed and find that it dramatically improves the growth rate and productivity of their poultry farms, they are sure to buy back more. More importantly, they will introduce your product to others.
As with any production business, you need a plan. Developing a business plan for your poultry feed production business is critical to determining the long-term viability of the business. The business plan will contain the details of all the feasibility studies you have undertaken to determine the profitability of the business.
Challenges You Will Face When Starting a Poultry Feed Mill Business
If you choose to start your own poultry feed plant business today, one of the major challenges you may face is establishing a well-established poultry feed plant with products in livestock stores across the country. The only way to avoid this challenge is to create your own market.
Some of the other things you might face are economic downturns; If the economy is weak, businesses such as poultry feed mills often struggle to retain their old customers or even welcome new ones. Adverse government policies can also hinder the development of poultry feed plants. There is nothing you can do about these threats and challenges. Keep a positive attitude and make things work for you.