How to improve the production efficiency of feed pellet machine

How to improve the production efficiency of feed pellet machine, if we want to further increase the production efficiency of feed pellet machine, we need to find the source from the source, and make better use of our feed pellet machine equipment, so that our output Get further improvements, what are the convenient reasons? Let me introduce you below.

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The production factors of feed pellet machine products are as follows:

The ring mold factor of feed pellet machine

  1. The surface of the bell mouth of the ring die is rolled and needs to be chamfered again.
  2. The ring mode compression ratio is not selected properly. Selection principles: livestock feed 9-13; fish feed 12-15; shrimp feed 20-25; heat-sensitive feed 5-9; pasture and straw feed 6-9.
  3. The mold hole is blocked. Tap the blocked holes from the outside of the ring mold to remove impurities.
  4. The opening rate of the ring die is too low, which results in low yield.

The pressure factor of feed pellet machine

  1. The pressure roller shell is worn and needs to be replaced in time.
  2. The combination of the new ring mold and the old pressure roller, the new pressure roller and the old ring mold will cause low output. A new ring die should be used to granulate with a new press roll shell, so that the overall contact gap between the press roll and the ring die is consistent to achieve uniform wear. Conditioner blade factors After the blades are worn, they will affect the quenching and tempering effect of the material, and the effect of mixing and absorbing steam is poor. The softening of the conditioner material is not good, which affects the granulation rate and output.

The quenching and tempering factor
The tempering temperature is too low. It is recommended to control: livestock feed 70-88; fish feed 82-95; shrimp feed 90-105; heat-sensitive feed 45-69. Unit: ° C.